

I've been having a totes hard time sleeping early. Insomnia has struck me bad. Thank you summer. 3am is the fuggin scary hour, but here I am, wide awake. Nothing planned for tomorrow/today. Spontaneity has been my back-up plan. I really can't believe that it's June already. Almost Sweet 19 (: Such an ugly number, but it's 2 away from the long waited 21. & so for the next two years, I'll just hafta stick it through. Growing older I've realized a few things.
-People come & go
-Be aggressive when necessary
-Things change, so be ready
-Sometimes the best thing is to move on
-Love what you have & who you are
& lastly
-Don't take anything, anyone or any day for granted.
* I'm still tryna keep these lessons imprinted in my mind. So bear in mind that I might forget 'em every now & then.
Random, but I fuggin cried about "11/12" two days ago. & in all honesty I don't know why. I guess THAT was what I needed to fully understand why things happened the way it did. I just had to tell the story one last time to finally let it all go. He was my first, & hopefully he won't be my last. Is it 'cause I have feelings for him still? Don't think so. They've been long gone. I think it's 'cause I just missed that feeling. I finally appreciated what I had, & it was taken away from me in a blink of an eye. It is true that you can't get over someone, unless someone else has replaced them. But what can I do? Answer: get back in the game. But I'm pretty content just chillin'. Kay tons of sidetracking done. Now time to finally sleep.

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