if i see you, i think i'd wanna walk the other way and never turn back. as long as it's been, i'm not ready to see you. even though it's summer, imma try any way to avoid the day we come into contact. i'm okay & i know for a fact that you are too. so with this entire "go our separate ways" deal, let's keep it that way. i'm not mad at you, i never was. i just know for a fact that i'm not ready to see you again and don't take that as an offense. i'm not gonna pretend to be happy to see you, that's just not fair. i think the whole being friends thing's gonna take longer than i hoped. things are back to the way they used to be, and i can honestly say, i'm finally happy again. it's as if we never knew the other existed & i think that's how things were meant to be all along.